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Enterprise - New Member


Research, Data Analysis & Insights, UX/UI, stakeholder management


Danny - UI/UX + Research
Amanda - UI/UX + Research




When the complexities of enrolling new customers becomes great enough that it has it's own division of CSR's... how do you turn it around and make it universally accessible?


BLUF: Pitch and deliver an overhaul of the CSR facing application suite that uses modular paths to confidently allow every CSR the ability to determine eligibility.

  • I co-lead generative research with CSR's, unpacking the mythos of information density and tribal knowledge.
  • Synthesized research, usability testing, and live shadowing to distill success measures and painpoints.
  • I lead the concepting across the axes of complexity and user mastery
  • Together Amanada and I performed conceptual user acceptance testing of concepts and established the fnal direction for development.

Lessons learned

  • Pair designing rocks - Having a designer that already knows all the context and can rapidly provide targeted was an incredible gift
  • I love me an underdog - New tech and UI trends get a lot of buzz, but designing for a captured community like CSR's has become a passion of mine. They tend to be "picked last" despite being the primary touchpoint for some funnels - and that feels like a huge impact opportunity.


Huge thanks to Amanda for her amazing research planning skills, willingness to question and understand, and her forgiveness when I threw around my seniority to coach her to stop working late!.